Our campaigns

Discover our fundraising campaigns, where every initiative is an opportunity to give back to our mission!

1 Juice 1 Donation is back for a 3rd edition


We're delighted to announce that Oasis, IGA and La Tablée des Chefs once again joined forces to fight food insecurity.

From April 25 to May 8 2024, for every participating Oasis juice sold, $1 was donated. These donations went to our Solidarity Soups initiative. 

The campaign raised $40,000! Thank you, everyone!

Solidarity Herbs


La Tablée des Chefs weeks are back in all IGA grocery stores in Quebec and New Brunswick from March 28 to April 17 2024 with the Solidarity Fine Herbs! Three seed papers were available: basil, dill and thyme. Each paper sold for $3, with all proceeds going to La Tablée des Chefs. 

The Solidarity Fine Herbs campaign raised $134,973.83!