Thanks for your interest !

There are many ways to get involved in the kitchen. Please choose one of the following options.

At the moment, our needs for kitchens, chefs and cooks are met in all cities.

Please stay informed by Subscribing to our newsletter

1 - I have a professional kitchen certified by MAPAQ:

To participate in the Cuisines Solidaires project, you must:
- Have a professional kitchen certified by MAPAQ
- Produce a minimum of 2,000 servings

La Tablée des Chefs will inform you of the recipe you will need to prepare. We will provide all the raw materials necessary for the preparation of this recipe, as well as the containers and labels. We will coordinate the delivery of the raw materials and the pickup of meals by the food bank in your region.
$1 per meal will be given to the participating establishment to cover its costs.

Dear restaurants and establishments, your positive response and enthusiasm are
extraordinary. We have received more than sixty registrations from professional kitchens!!
We are suspending kitchen registrations for the moment. We will open online
registrations again if we have needs. Stay tuned !! The chefs can however continue to
register on the chef form.

Please fill out the online registration form so we can coordinate the logistics of your participation.
*I have a professional kitchen, but I need cooks to complete my brigade.
Fill out the registration form as a restaurateur and in the appropriate section, indicate how many people you will need to complete your brigade.


2- I do not have a professional kitchen, but I want to get involved as a cook.

To join a brigade from one of Les Cuisines Solidaires, you must be linked to an establishment certified by the MAPAQ. Please fill out the online registration form.
We will contact you if one of our Cuisines Solidaires needs your participation. 


3- I want to get involved, but I am not linked to an establishment certified by the MAPAQ.

Visit and be on the lookout for our upcoming volunteer opportunities, as well as opportunities with other organizations in your area.
For any additional questions: